Monday, April 2, 2012

Thing # 13

Zoho Writer is a great program that can provide people with a word processor that it online and always available.  I know that when I am using a computer without a word processor it is difficult to homework.  I had no clue that there was a free program that could let me creat a document and save it so that I could open it anywhere.  I have a dropbox account where I can save and share folders and files with other users but I can not create documents.  I found that a lot of the Zoho writer tools where dated compared to the microsoft word processor that is downloaded on to a computer.  The basic set-up was the same but minor tools and detail differ.  The copy, cut, and paste tools where located in the tool bar instead of right clicking.  It was very useful but would take some time getting use to those few minor differences.  I also explored Google documents which I found a lot more familiar and useful. Google is something that everyone used but I think the tools it provides is commonly looked over.  There are a lot of ways that students can use Google documents to collaborate with out sitting down and working together.  This could provide students a way to share and discuss ideas and thought anout a project.  All students could look through the progress instead of relying on one person to get it done on time.  Students could creat graphic organizers for projects.  This would help teachers assure that every student has the chance to do their own part.

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